championship Golf Ontario Women's Match Play Championship

Lafontaine Wins 2024 Ontario Women’s Match Play Championship

Ashley Lafontaine (Royal Ottawa Golf Club) captured the Ontario Women’s Match Play Championship Monday at Cataraqui Golf and Country Club.

After knocking off Gabrielle Harrison (Sunningdale Golf and Country Club) in the top 16, Lafontaine pushed through to the Quarter-Final round by defeating Team Ontario’s Nobelle Park (Rattlesnake Golf and Country Club) 1-UP, and then finally defeating Myranda Quinton (Pipers Heath Golf Club) 2&1. 

In the final round, Lafontaine faced off Kaprice Park (Rattlesnake Golf and Country club), who started things off with a birdie. 

Sticking to her game, Lafontaine set herself up for success to keep the ball rolling and finished the Women’s Match Play strong to capture the win in the final round 3&2. 

Lafontaine noted this was her second time participating in the Women’s Match Play and was runner-up in her first appearance. 

For final results, click here