GAO team ontario

Team Ontario Wraps Up Arizona Camp

TUCSON, AZ— The Golf Association of Ontario’s (GAO) Junior (U19) Team Ontario recently wrapped up a five-day training camp in Tucson, Arizona, Feb. 12-17, at the Lodge at Ventana Canyon.

After the days of training and four rounds of golf, coach Reggie Millage gave his thoughts on the camp.

Coach Reggie Millage works with Brendan Seys on the range.
Coach Reggie Millage works with Brendan Seys on the range.

“Ultimately the goal of the camp was to see how everyone was progressing through the winter and to catch any possible lapses in training, both physically and technically,” explained Coach Millage. “It gave us a chance to see how they are doing in their time away from us.”

Millage set up a central theme for the camp around the players’ short game. It worked out well considering the facility’s driving range was not long enough to accommodate some of the players’ drives. There were however, multiple putting greens and a separate short-game area, which included a bunker. “I like to spend time on the short game when there is such a great short-game facility as there is here. It is something that is difficult to do indoors during the winter, but here the players can get a full swing in. It was also one of the weaker areas we identified with the players in the fall. Shots around the green were the areas that needed the most improvement.”

Sam McNulty chips as other members of Team Ontario look on.
Sam McNulty chips as other members of Team Ontario look on.

Millage said that this camp differed from the team’s first trip to Arizona in January because they had a better idea of what to cover. “We tried to focus on competition during this camp. We created an Olympic-style theme to try and motivate the players and increase competition. It made the testing a little more fun, but also gave us the feedback we needed.”

The structure of the camp seemed to be a plus with many of the team members. “I really liked the extensive practice,” said team member Trevor Ranton, from Waterloo. “I liked the (team themed) matches, the stations and a little bit of free time to work on what we felt needed to be addressed.”

The results seemed to be there for Millage. “I think some of the numbers in testing were much better than the fall, but they didn’t necessarily translate into lower scores on the course… yet. I do feel that it will. Overall, their chipping, bunker shots and putting were much improved. Score wise it was a little disappointing but you have to remember that desert golf is much more punishing off the tee, resulting in more penalty strokes.”

Despite the scoring, Millage seemed satisfied with the camp overall and continues to see them as beneficial. “Holding these camps is great for a few reasons. The camaraderie is one, as the team gets to spend time together. Golf is mainly an individual sport, this is a chance for them to be part of something together. It also pushes them and they seem driven by being in groups.”

Even though some of his players couldn’t hit driver on the range, Millage had nothing but praise for Ventana Canyon, a site that the GAO has used for four years now. “It is a beautiful setting that is in great condition. We utilized the terrific short-game facility and even worked on drivers on one of the holes.”

From left, Jason Chung, Max Sear and Grace St-Germain practice putting.

From left, Jason Chung, Max Sear and Grace St-Germain practice putting.

Millage went on to say that the facility also helped enhance Strength and Conditioning Coach/ Physical Therapist Andrew Hoermann’s interaction with the team.

“I really enjoyed the morning workouts with Andrew,” added team member Jason Chung. “I wish we could have stayed longer.”

With the training camp complete, Millage can look ahead to how the team is shaping up for the season. “I hope that with the testing they gained confidence that they can build off of.  Being on the team I expect them to perform at a high level during the season. I want them to take advantage of the opportunities they have.”

Even though it is only February, Millage pointed out at the teams’ final dinner that the golf season is just two months away and that it is time for the athletes to get their training and repetition in gear.

The team will have one more team activity together before the season begins, as they will be in Myrtle Beach in March as they prepare for the CAN/AM matches competition. After that, the players will go their separate ways and begin competing in the many tournaments offered this season, Millage hopes that their offseason training will be put to good use so that they can achieve results this summer. “Ultimately we want them to use Team Ontario to further their progress and achieve the next level in the sport, whether that be the National Team or an NCAA Scholarship.”

GAO golf Junior Golf team ontario

GAO Names 2014 Team Ontario

UXBRIDGE, ON— The Golf Association of Ontario (GAO), in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, is pleased to announce the 12-players and four coaches that will comprise Team Ontario for 2014. The team, which began its selection process in late September, is currently in the training portion of their program as they prepare for the start of the season in May with the Junior Spring Classic.

The GAO made changes to the program this year by creating just one provincial U19 team as opposed to the combined U19 and U17 teams in the past. Now, the best golfers in Ontario will be on the provincial team while three regional feeder teams have been set up for an additional 36 players.

“It is a big shift for us from last year having 20 players on one team to having a provincial team and regional teams,” explained GAO Manager of Sport Performance Mary Ann Hayward. “We have selected the best players in the province that all have a realistic chance to move on to the national team,”

This year’s squad will see seven returning players join five new faces. On the girls side are: Monet Chun, 13, returnee, from Richmond Hill and The Summit Golf & Country Club, coached by Don Lee; Alyssa Getty, 17, rookie, from Leamington and Kingsville Golf & Country Club, coached by Sean Foley; Annika Haynes, 17, returnee, from Oakville and Credit Valley Golf & Country Club, coached by Ann Carroll; and Grace St-Germain, 15, returnee, from Orleans and Hylands Golf Club. The boys side includes: Jason Chung, 15, rookie, from Thornhill and Pheasant Run Golf Club, coached by Charlie Woo; Sam McNulty, 17, returnee, from Port Perry and Granite Golf Club; Tyler Nagano, 15, rookie, from Toronto and Station Creek Golf Club, coached by Jon Roy and Jeff Overholt; Trevor Ranton, 17, rookie, from Waterloo and Whistle Bear Golf Club, coached by Mike Skimson and Dave Smallwood; Max Sear, 17, rookie, from Markham and York Downs Golf & Country Club, coached by Ian Crebbin; Brendan Seys, 16, returnee, from Port Lambton and Maple City Golf & Country Club, coached by John Dengel; Connor Watt, 17, returnee, from Mississauga and Piper’s Heath Golf Club; and Chad Watts-Denyes, 17, returnee, from Hamilton and Cedar Brae Golf & Country Club.

Joining the players are four coaches. Reggie Millage, was named the GAO’s Head Provincial Coach in November and has been working with the team since the fall. Millage is a Class ‘A’ PGA of Canada professional who continues to play competitively. Joining Millage are Mental Skills Coach Judy Goss, Strength and Conditioning Coach Jordan Foley and Athletic Therapist Andrew Hoermann.

“This is a very talented young group of players,” added Hayward. “We are trying to keep the momentum going from last year where we put two boys on the National Team. Hopefully we’ll place more players on the team for 2015.”

The players themselves already have many accolades to their name. Chun finished 11th at the Ontario Junior Girls’ Championship in 2012 as an 11-year-old and was second at the event in 2013. St-Germain won the 2013 Ontario Juvenile Girls’ Championship and 2013 Ontario Junior Girls’ Match Play. McNulty was the 2013 Ontario Juvenile Boys’ champion and also won the Canadian Junior Golf Association Mizuno National Golf Championship. Ranton was the International Junior Masters champion and Sear captured the Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations (OFSAA) title.

The team has already attended one training camp in Arizona and will travel back there in February for their second. Ten of the team members will play in Can-Am matches in Myrtle Beach during March Break before they all attend a final spring camp in Ontario.

About Team Ontario

The GAO Team Ontario program is a unique opportunity available to a select group of athletes in Ontario. These athletes can expect to receive the very best in coaching services, training/competitive opportunities, and peer support as they continue their journey towards excellence in golf. The Team Ontario program places considerable emphasis on developing “champion traits” in all facets of life and particularly in those that most impact golf development. As such, athletes in the program will receive guidance on themes like time and self-management, strength and conditioning, sports psychology, nutrition, tactical strategies, and technical feedback. Being selected to be part of the Team Ontario program is a tremendous accomplishment and offers unparalleled support and guidance to participating athletes and their families.

About the Golf Association of Ontario

The Golf Association of Ontario (GAO) is Ontario’s Provincial Sport Organization focused on enhancing participation, elevating performance and supporting the passion of golfers in Ontario. With over 100,000 individual members and 450 member clubs, the GAO is one of the largest golf associations in the world.  From rating courses and keeping the integral rules of the game intact, to growing the game at the grassroots level and getting the game of golf into our school systems, to keeping the Ontario golf community aware of all relevant issues and hosting the best amateur tournaments in Canada, the Golf Association of Ontario is a passionate group dedicated to making golf better for everyone in Ontario. We share a love and passion for golf, while preserving its past, fostering its future, and championing golf’s best interests for everyone who enjoys the sport.

Team Ontario: front, from left: Physical Therapist/ Strength and Conditioning Coach Andrew Hoermann, Jason Chung, Alyssa Getty, Grace St-Germain, Monet Chun, Annika Haynes, Tyler Nagano, Coach Reggie Millage; back: Conner Watt, Sam McNulty, Brendan Seys, Trevor Ranton, Chad Watts Denyes and Max Sear.
Team Ontario: front, from left: Physical Therapist/ Strength and Conditioning Coach Andrew Hoermann, Jason Chung, Alyssa Getty, Grace St-Germain, Monet Chun, Annika Haynes, Tyler Nagano, Coach Reggie Millage; back: Conner Watt, Sam McNulty, Brendan Seys, Trevor Ranton, Chad Watts Denyes and Max Sear.