Provincial Super Camp

Golf Ontario was excited to announce the creation of a Provincial Super Camp which will take place at Black Bear Ridge Golf Course, October 9-12th.  The camp will feature the top 30 junior boys and top 30 junior girls in the province for two days of testing (Golf Canada’s, National Testing Protocol), a mental session, and two rounds of competition.

With the reduced opportunities for head to head results this season, this Super Camp is another opportunity for the best junior golfers in the province to compete against their peers, while adhering to current Golf Ontario COVID safety protocols.  Additionally, this 4-day camp will give athletes a chance to train with other like-minded athletes and coaches, gain useful NTP data for themselves and other top athletes, and receive an introduction to the mental side of the game.  The event is intended to be a fun and competitive culmination of the season, and this year it will also be used as a portion of the 2021 Team Ontario selection criteria.

Moving forward, the Provincial Super Camp will be an integral part of the soon to be launched New Junior Competitive Pathway, and Golf Ontario is thankful for the collaboration from industry partners and PGA professionals on the structure of this Super Camp.

Super Camp Selection Criteria (Golf Ontario will be using the following criteria. In addition, participants must still be of junior age in 2021 and not attending university):

  • Top 10 from 2019 U17 Golf Ontario OOM (Boys & Girls)
  • Top 10 from 2019 U15 Golf Ontario OOM (Boys & Girls)
  • Top 20 from 2020 Ontario Junior Championship (Boys & Girls)
  • Top 20 from 2020 Ontario Amateur Championships (Men’s & Women’s)
  • Top 3 from 2020 Ontario Bantam Championship (Boys & Girls)
  • 2 Committee exemptions* (Boys & Girls)

Based on this criteria, player invitations will be sent out this week with a link to register directly for the event.  Registration will begin on Tuesday Sept 8th at 9am.

*Committee exemptions and any remaining spots will be filled via an application process. If you were not selected based on the above criteria and would like to apply for a committee exemption into the Super Camp, please fill out the application HERE between Tues. Sept 8th at 9am and Fri. September 18th at 4pm.

Please direct any questions to Jessie Mercer, jmercer@gao.caEDIT