RIS – Parent Program
Respect ProgramGolf Ontario is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for golfers of all ages and is now pleased to introduce the Respect in Sport – Parent Program.
At least one parent/guardian per athlete must complete the program prior to competing in any Junior Golf Ontario Championship. For those parents who have taken the program through other sport organizations, the process to import their existing certification into our database, is simple.
This program is aimed at helping good parents become better sports parents, by providing some information and tools to help us better support our kids in golf. The Respect in Sport – Parent Program is a one-hour online program. It is internet-based, so it can be done anywhere, anytime even on your mobile device. You do not have to complete the program in one sitting, you can come and go from the program and it remembers where you left off.
The cost of the program is $12 plus HST and is paid during the online registration process. If parents/guardians have already taken the program, they do not have to repeat it, however, they are asked to “Import” their Respect in Sport – Parent Program certification, into our database, so we may track which parents have completed the program.
To complete the Respect in Sport – Parent Program or to import a certificate, parents/guardians may use this link:
Golf Ontario is proud to be a leading organization in the introduction of this program in our province.